This Saturday, on the 26th of May, an international chess challenge is taking place between SS Manhem and Thailand. The matches will be played at Four promising young chess players from Thailand will compete against four of our own talented club members, all under the supervision of FM Björn Andersson. The matches that will take place are:
Gustav Lindholm – Jonathan Bodemar (Sam)
Alexander Ström-Engdahl – Brunel Burbach (Poleon)
Marcus Lindholm – Kantapat Piyathumawuttikul (Indy)
Roshan Ghaderi – Sornsawan Singsomroj (Mei-Mei)
The four matches will begin approximately at 1:00 p.m. each with a time limit per player of 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move starting from move one. Two of the matches will be played with the opening moves from the classical Preussian Game (or Two Knights Defense). The other two matches will be played without any special instructions regarding opening moves. Arbiter is Bruno Burbach.
Below – Team Thailand (from the left): Sam, Poleon, Indy and Mei-Mei. The players from Thailand are 12, 9, 11 and 15 years of age and all live in different parts of Thailand (Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Bangkok and Chiang Mai).
Below – Team Manhem (from the left): Gustav, Alexander, Marcus and Roshan (picture to come). They are 13, 12, 11 and 15 years of age and all live in or around Göteborg (Photo by Lars OA Hedlund).